Is Red Bull harmful to a 14 year old?!

Question: I'm a dancer and I have heavy rehersals as well as several performances of the Nutcracker over the next 2 weeks. I also have to go to school, so I'm not getting much sleep. When I go to rehersals, I feel completley drained. Would drinking 1 can of Red Bull a day for the next 2 weeks be harmful to me in any way?

Answers: I'm a dancer and I have heavy rehersals as well as several performances of the Nutcracker over the next 2 weeks. I also have to go to school, so I'm not getting much sleep. When I go to rehersals, I feel completley drained. Would drinking 1 can of Red Bull a day for the next 2 weeks be harmful to me in any way?

Energy drinks can literally cause heart failure and death, especially in people your age who are still growing and whatnot. The levels of caffeine and sugar in them are high even in sugar free varieties, and they all have various chemicals that are supposed to give the "kick." That being said, the most ONE can of Red Bull will do to you is make you dance poorly, do poorly in school, feel ill, and be tired. They dehydrate you, make your heart race, and just generally make it hard to concentrate, which you need for dancing and school. Depending on your reaction to caffeine, they can also make you tired and ill. If you drink too many, you will get physically ill. If you insist upon using these energy drinks, make sure you drink plenty of water, don't overdose, and don't become addicted. If you're tired, try taking a power nap whenever you get the chance, or just go to bed as early as possible. Keep your sleep schedule very regulated, you would be surprised how much it helps.


red bulls are harmful to everyone

Red Bull is harmful no matter what age.

It depends on the amount as with all things.

it's mother told me so..

i think so. i really dont like energy drinks at all theyre pointless!

i dont think so it's an energy drink but try to get as much sleep as possible

its pretty good, but dont get too excited with it and start drinking 400000000 bottles a day lol
1 is prob enough

It is an energy drink that is available to anyone & has suggested usage guidelines on the label. Just be practical with drinking the product - follow the guidelines - and you will be fine.

i have to drink a cup of coffe every day or and energy drink at least to wake me up i supose it's no worse then coffe, just a bit more sugar... so probly not

Something with that much sugar and caffiene in it just can't be good for you.

red bull is harmful to everyone!! it damages your heart and its dangerous! do not drink it..!

It is prohibited in France because of its Taurine content which is believed to be deleterious to the health and particularly the heart. There is no empirical evidence to support this however.

Caffeine is a stimulant drug and should be used in moderation whatever the workload, because it could lead to a physiological dependency. It also dehydrates you immeasurably.

The best fluid you can drink is plain water as fatigue is dehydrating also. This will raise your energy levels and is immensely important to somebody who does regular physical exercise.

Limit your Red bull consumption and try alternatives like a cup of tea in the morning, which has less caffeine content.

Red bull make be the wind beneath your wings but for an active and developing 14 year old, I advise large quantities of mineral water.

it will stunt your growth

To an extent it is not bad for you, but you shouldn't drink more then one of any energy drink a day, because the levels of caffeine and sugar are very harmful to your pancreas, and the pancreas is what controls the glucose levels in your blood, and when the pancreas is no longer able to control it, you are at high risk for Diabetes which is at this point non-curable. Caffeine by the way is actually very good for some people and is beneficial to their hearts, while others can't have caffeine at all, it just depends on the type of person you are.

no its not dangerous ! i have red bull sometimes and it doesnt do anything to me ! its just like any other drink everything has something wrong with it so why worry if it helps you then its good !

Yea, energy drinks boosts your sugar level temporarily but eventually crashes after a while which over time can damage your body. It might not make sense coming from me, but sleep is the most important thing for you. Try to manage your time and get a good night sleep because you will feel so much better.

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