Whats the difference between pepsi and coke?!

Question: how are they different and wicth one do u prefer?

Answers: how are they different and wicth one do u prefer?

The difference is in the secret formula, since they're both mostly sugar and water. The best way to find out the difference for you is to do a blind taste test. I prefer Coke, but I've heard that Pepsi often wins in blind taste tests.

Coke is amazing!

Pepsi is sweeter and tastes better. Coke has a harsher carbonation feeling on the throat when you drink it.

i perfer coke pepsi has a somewhat sweet taste

I prefer coke myself. I imagine the difference is in the flavouring that is used.

I think Pepsi is too sweet and not as refreshing and crisp as Coke, but my fiancee thinks the opposite. I think it depends on the person.

add a bit of sugar to pepsi and you get coke for a few seconds

Pepsi is sweeter, and coca cola has a touch of lemon.

Coca Cola is the original, and it tastes the best.....

Coke! Way better than Pepsi.

Coke has a much richer flavor to it, Pepsi just tastes flat all the time. Granted if I can't get a coke and I need my caffiene fix, and all that's available is pepsi...well, pepsi it is >.<

Just different names thats all!

All the best!/

It definitely depends on the person. I love Coke, all kinds. I like the acidity of it. Pepsi is too sweet.

pepsi is gross and coke has sprite which is amazing

I perfer coke. I don't know of any diffrent ingidients but they taste diffrent to me I don't know why though.

Pepsi has a sweet but flat taste which I prefer and coke is stronger and not as sweet.

I prefer Coke Classic - it is not as sweet as Pepsi and has more carbonation. Pepsi is too syrupy sweet for my taste.

What people overlook is they both taste like malted battery acid.

Do your body a favor and grab a bottle of water!

Pepsi is much too sweet, and Coke has a better crisp taste to it..Coke wins in my book...

Only difference is that Coke uses orange as it's base citrus flavor while Pepsi uses lemon. All of the other ingredients and proportions (vanilla, etc.) are about the same.

I am amazed to see that so many people consider Pepsi to be sweeter than Coke. My taste buds "see" it differently as Coke always tastes more syrup-y sweet to me.

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