What is your favorite coffee or Tea ?!

Question: I am looking for a good coffee or tea any suggestions ??

Answers: I am looking for a good coffee or tea any suggestions ??

im kinda in 2 both i like coffee for mornin because it wakes me up but i also like tea because itz juss so good...

Mine is tea.

Revolution brand - English Breakfast tea.

definately coffee

Coffee. I am English and can't stand tea. I don't blame them throwing all that tea away in Boston.

it is a German brand from my home town that i love to drink called Malanka.

i prefer Tea, but like Coffee also
Teas that i find that are good are
and and Berry teas

for Coffee
Hazelnut is always good
otherwise Peppermint Mocha for this time of the year

McDonald's has the best coffee, and I like tea too (with lemon), but probably have drank it only once every 10 years .........

I don't like coffee at all!

I don't care much for tea either-i will drink iced tea (the kind thats just straight sugar-not fresh brewed) and it has to be lemon flavored or iced lemonade tea (even sweeter than the first kind I mentioned). I also like green tea and chinese tea, those two I think are really good and worth a try. If you are looking for something to give energy green tea is good and supposedly really good for you.

Home roasted is the ONLY way to go on coffee. Choices? over 100 origins. Like Costa Rica Tarrazu La Minita, Sumatra Classic Mandlening, Kenya Thimka Gethumbwini Peaberry, Ethiopia Harrar Lot#30.
Sounds odd? These are the names of the coffees from the country they come from and the farm/estate or cooperative they are from.
Not the fancy names that the big roasters give it.
And for tea my fav is Lapsang Souchong. Nice and smoky.

14 cardamom pods
4 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups milk
3 (3-inch) sticks of cinnamon, broken into pieces
6 whole cloves
2 tablespoons black tea leaves
Sugar to sweeten as desired

1. Using the flat side of large knife, crush cardamom pods to expose seeds.
2. In saucepan, bring water, milk, cardamom pods, cinnamon and cloves to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Add tea leaves and remove from heat; cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and serve hot. Sweeten with sugar as desired.

Makes 6 servings.

Tea is an all day thing you can have it morning til night if your really mad about tea but i think of coffee as a morning thing really to get you started.


My mother makes Chock Full of Nuts coffee at home and it is delicious. When I am out I get Dunkin Donuts original blend with a flavor shot of blueberry. I am not a fan of strong coffee, so if you are, go with Starbucks blends.

Their Christmas blend is very nice. My grandfather loved strong coffee and was a big fan of the holiday blend. Might be something nice to try this time of year!


I don't like coffee or tea but I LOVE (!!!!!!) hot chocolate with mini marshmellows!!!

I love tea. Bigelow Tea makes a variety of traditional and flavored teas. My favorite is Lemon Tea with a bit of honey in it.

-Liz for Bigelow Tea

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