When you drink coffee do you pee more often?!

Question: i realized that ever since ive been drinking iced coffeee form mc d's ive been going to the bathroom more oftenly.

am i going more often b/c of the coffee??

Answers: i realized that ever since ive been drinking iced coffeee form mc d's ive been going to the bathroom more oftenly.

am i going more often b/c of the coffee??


The caffeine in coffee acts as a diuretic, so you will go to the bathroom more often. Usually same thing happens with tea and soda.

Yes. Coffee has caffiene, and caffiene is a toxin, and a diuretic. It makes you have to pee more, and thus become dehydrated.

it depends on how much u drink it

Yes, caffeine in coffee stimulates the bladder and makes you have to pee.

yup caffine makes you need to pee!

Yes coffee contains caffeine which is a diuretic and increases urination. Also Iced coffee is just non-nutritive calories.

coffee and tea make you goto the bathroom more frequently.

I could be , but coffee actually dehydrates. So make sure to drink plenty of water.

no more than drinking soda's (pop)
Coffee, pop, tea, have caffiene in them, and caffiene is diuretic.

I tend to find that. oooops! brb b-room break lol. Its true

Coffee is a diuretic. and that is what makes you have to go to the bathroom more often.

My husband does.I also notice if i drink tea (because im not coffee drinker) i go more often ...so i would say it has to do with caffine.

yes it make to pee more. Even some people also need to pee after drinking hot tea.

Yes. It's a diuretic.

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