Got MILK???!

Question: Hi, I was just wondering:

Will Milk make me taller? I know it makes you have strong bones, but does it help you grow?

Is it all right that I drink chocolate milk, because I really don't like the regular milk?

Is it better for you to drink low-fat milk, because I'm 12, and manyu grown ups tell me to drink regular milk because it has the fats in there that we need to grow?

Please answer questions....

Answers: Hi, I was just wondering:

Will Milk make me taller? I know it makes you have strong bones, but does it help you grow?

Is it all right that I drink chocolate milk, because I really don't like the regular milk?

Is it better for you to drink low-fat milk, because I'm 12, and manyu grown ups tell me to drink regular milk because it has the fats in there that we need to grow?

Please answer questions....

1. No, time and your genetics decide when and how tall you will grow.

2. Chocolate milk is awesome.. sure, there's sugar... but if its the only way you'll drink your milk.. do it up. Go for Nesquick powder. There's 30 % less sugar than the syrup and twice as much calcium. And it tastes better than ovaltine.. which is another thing parents like to see you drinking. I don't care what anyone says, Ovaltine tastes chalky. Ew. :)

3. Go for the middle of the road. I CAN'T drink whole milk.. its just too heavy for me... but I think skim tastes like water. 1 or 2 % is a good compromise.. and yes, they are good fats that you're ingesting.. but you're mostly drinking it for the calcium.

Milk fat, will not make you grow. Calcium will keep your bones strong.. but again, as I said, time and your DNA will be responsible for your growth... not necessarily how/what you eat.

I dont know if milk makes you taller...

Chocolate milk is not that great for you but if you make your own (like chocolate surup and milk) it is probably better than processed milk

Drink 1% or none fat...its the healthiest

yes it does make your bones and taller. If you drink 1 percent milk it's better for you and if u drink chocolate you get more fat unless u burn calories

Contrary to popular belief, to some degree encouraged by the dairy industry, cow's milk is not only indigestible, but not good for you at all. After you grow out of infancy, you cannot produce enough of the enzymes needed to digest milk products. Go to this link to learn more.

If you want some variety, you could try mixing in malted milk powder instead of chocolate--or together with chocolate! I realize, of course, that malt's not the most popular flavor.

Yes, milk is good for the bones and will help you grow, but you still will grow naturally anyhow the way nature intended. And yes you can drink low-fat mik if you want. I think it woud be better if you did becuase there's a study that says that girls can become obese between ages 10 and twelve, which are your pre-teen years.

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