Is all green tea herbal?!

Question: green tea is true tea.

herbal tea is different. herbal tea is everything that is not true tea. for example, Rooibus, honeybush, mint tea, strawberry tea, ginseng, etc. None of these have caffeine which is usually an indication of an herbal tea.

now you may get a green tea flavored with mint, or blueberry. I consider these true teas also.

Answers: green tea is true tea.

herbal tea is different. herbal tea is everything that is not true tea. for example, Rooibus, honeybush, mint tea, strawberry tea, ginseng, etc. None of these have caffeine which is usually an indication of an herbal tea.

now you may get a green tea flavored with mint, or blueberry. I consider these true teas also.

In a sense, yes. Green tea is green because of the way it is harvested. White teas are picked while the leaves of the tea plant are still young and have fuzz on them. They are then laid out to dry, thus preserving their distinct flavor and characteristics. Similarly, green tea is grown on the same type of plant, only it is picked at its peak, and is also laid out to dry. It is at this stage that the green tea retains the highest level of antioxidants and relatively low caffeine levels. Once it is dried, the producers of the tea usually break the tea leaves down and they are then ready to be sold either in bulk, or placed in tea bags. If the process is kept to this level, and no other substances are added, then it can be said that the tea is herbal. As long as you read your labels and find that nothing has been added to your tea, you can rest assured that it is an herbal product.

Most herbal teas are caffeine free but green tea is not.

anything from the camellia sinensis bush is tea, that includes green tea.

everything else is a tisane - an herbal, spice, etc. infusion.

teas, including green, can be flavored/scented with things like jasmine, roses, honeysuckle, black pepper, cardamon and other spices, herbs and flowers.

Herbal tea is tea simply made from different herbs. Green Tea is just that, green tea. It comes from the same plant black and other teas come from. The component that makes it green is it is aged less before it's processed, therefore making it green and containing more antioxidants than black or herbal.

Green tea is not herbal at all. It's harvested tea. Made up of tea leaves that are picked at a certain time.

Herbal tea typically doesn't have any caffiene in it. Tisanes are totally herbal. They are made up of herbs, flowers and fruits. My all time fave is African Autumn from Harney and Son's. It's got a rooibus in it and cranberries and oranges. Super yummy.

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