Please Drink Responsibly....weird or no?!
anyway, thanks!
Answers: ok, so my dad brought home these energy drinks from thailand and the bottles have "Please Drink Responsibly" on the this normal??? i dont usually drink energy drinks, ive never even bought one so i just wanted to ask yall if this is on all energy drinks or just these?! makes me kinda skeptical ;)
anyway, thanks!
It does sound odd for that to be on a bottle of energy drink. However, energy drinks contain higher levels of caffeine and sometimes herbal concoctions. Consuming more than one bottle can cause undesired reactions, especially if you are taking medication(s) for various health reasons (e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.). I would read the ingredients list before drinking it. drinks shouldn't be consumed too much. Cause afterall, too much of anything doesn't do you any good.
Does this explains everything??
Normally you see that on alcohol drinks- and you should check the label as alcohol and energy drink mixtures are becoming more common- of course, if in taiwanese, you may need to use google language translation-
i don't drink energy drinks..but here in the philippines, i know that there's no bottle labeled like that.
maybe the company wanted to say about it is... the drinker should be responsible in drinking that energy drink-not too much or dispose the bottle in a proper way..
just what i opinion..
They're probably loaded with caffeine, among other high energy ingredients...and you don't want to drink too much of them. There are always warning labels of some kind on energy drinks, so it seems normal enough. I just wouldn't drink too many of them at once if I were you, haha.
That does seem a little odd to me, usually alcoholic beverages have that mark. Maybe they dont want you to get all wiggy on caffine and go knock over a bank or something?? Is there some sort of ingredient that may not be legal here, and might give you a less than common response to the energy drink??
I really dont know. Yes... it seems weird to me that a non-alcoholic beverage says "please drink responsibly"
Well some people use caffiene to get high is a preatty cool high too. They consume alot of it and it gets you a lil intoxicated but is not even that serios some people of course act like fools.
When it comes to energy drinks or any drink (including water) we should drink with caution because too much of a good or bad thing will be bad for you.