What's in chinas coke? (coca cola)?!

Question: Hi, i currently live in suzhou china and i am from California. I tryed the coca cola here and it tastes ALOT different than the coke i used to drink. Why?

plz answer! :D

i alreddy bought some imported coke and compared the 2

Answers: Hi, i currently live in suzhou china and i am from California. I tryed the coca cola here and it tastes ALOT different than the coke i used to drink. Why?

plz answer! :D

i alreddy bought some imported coke and compared the 2

All fizzy drinks (sodas, pops) are made from syrup and carbonated water. The constant factor in these beverages is the syrup which is purchased from the manufacturer, like the Coca Cola Company, PepsiCo, etc. The company's secret recipe is made at their factory and then sold as syrup to bottling factories, restaurants, stores, and soda fountains.

What is different is the water. Some places have more or less minerals which color the flavor.

There is also a rumor that the beverage manufacturers "tailor" their syrups to account for different cultural tastes. I've heard it said that Coke is sweeter in the US southern states, or more astringent in New England, etc. I'm not sure if this is another one of those urban legends or not.
The differences may also be in how much the syrup was diluted in the restaurant or bottling factory. That's something Coke Company can't control.

probably the difference in the water.

The water can be less purified there

the water is different

which makes the coke taste a lot different!

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