Does starbucks have hot chocolate? I don't like coffee.?!

Question: Yes starbucks does have hot chocolate. It's really good. They also, have frappacino's, if you want a cold drink. And some don't have coffee, preferably- a vanilla bean, or a double chocolate chip (both are frapp.) and they both don't have coffee in them.

Answers: Yes starbucks does have hot chocolate. It's really good. They also, have frappacino's, if you want a cold drink. And some don't have coffee, preferably- a vanilla bean, or a double chocolate chip (both are frapp.) and they both don't have coffee in them.

yes it does. it also has chai tea lattes, you might like one of those if you don't like coffee.

yea it has frappchinos it capphchinos it has alot of drinks if you don't like coffoe

Yes they do. Try the Chi Latte. It's really good too.

Yes, Starbucks does have hot chocolate. However I prefer Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate, its much tastier.




they have everythin good hehe

yes it does

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