Chocolate recipe?!

Question: How do you do mix chocolate bar and milk?
I drink usualy a mug of milk with some coffee.
How can I replace coffee with chocolate, tasty chocolate (not cocoa)

Answers: How do you do mix chocolate bar and milk?
I drink usualy a mug of milk with some coffee.
How can I replace coffee with chocolate, tasty chocolate (not cocoa)

I guess just get your milk hot & put small pieces of chocolate in & stir till it dissolves. Or melt in a bowl in the microwave a few seconds at a time and slowly incorporate the hot milk in a teaspoon at a time, when it's mixed enough & smooth, put in the rest of the milk. Milk chocolate is made differently it has stuff added to make it hard for candy and such. It's really not for melting in a beverage. You might get away with it, if hot hot.
Why don't you just get some Ovaltine. It chocolaty good and fat free! You can put how ever much you want in there and drink it cold or heat a cup & throw some marshmallows in and it is ssssooooo good! I don't like the malt flavor though..

Or Milo:

In a double boiler heat the chocolate till its liquid and add it to warm milk as if you add it to cold milk it will solidify. But there is Hershey Chocolate out there that is easier to deal with and its already liquid and you can drink it in cold milk.

I would melt the chocolate in the microwave and then add the milk to the melted chocolate.

I do a hot choclate for my little sister using 50g of plain or milk chooclate broken 40g of it in a mug melted slowly in the microwave (20 secs at a time-max of one min then stir until fully melted) then you stir in 100ml of milk really really slowly(like a teaspoon at a time) otherwise your chocolate will go grainy when you have mixed in all the milk microwave it for another 2 mins until hot mix and add the last of the choclate to melt in the bottom the drink and eat with a spoon, my sis loves it.

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