What do you think of the new coke with orange flavour,what flavour is your fave?!

Question: do you like it? i think its nice even though it sounded horrid.i also like the cherry flavour one aswell

Answers: do you like it? i think its nice even though it sounded horrid.i also like the cherry flavour one aswell

yes,coca-cola with orange is a limited edition cola which at the moment is being sold in the UK and has its own orange bottle.its very nice.i agree with you about cherry coke,its fit.

Only soda I drink is Diet Pepsi

i havn't tried the orange flavor but the cherry flavor is to die for i can even taste thd little cherries i know it sounds crazy but i can!!!

Sorry never even heard of it! My favorite coke is diet coke in the can..mmmm! ;)

Orange flavored coke? I haven't seen it yet. I'm a fan of cherry cola too and of course, regular classic cola.

i prefer rootbeer :D

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