Is red bull safe to drink?!

Question: is it safe for me to drink 3 or 4 12oz red bulls everyday? i am 23 years old and 107 lbs.

Answers: is it safe for me to drink 3 or 4 12oz red bulls everyday? i am 23 years old and 107 lbs.

3 should be fine but 4, 5.6 is kinda pushing it. You gotta to remember there is a lot of caffeine in Red bull.

It won't kill you. If you mix it with alcohol it might.

The headaches are common with caffeine withdrawal. Take some Excedrin.

its safe..its a Enrgy Drink..!!but everything has made with their limits..!!excess of anythng is not good..!Well


actually no it is not safe at would be surprised how many people have died...died from drinking to much"red bull" and other "energy" drinks....thosethings are sooooo full of caffiene and other stimulants you may as well be doing cocaine....its that bad for you....and then when you take in that alot of folks are mixing it with alcohol...forget it..thats a heart attack just waiting to happen...please please please...stop drinking it...or at least cut way back your way too young and light to drink that much caffiene..and ill bet your way to beautifull to die this young...if this thought scares should honey...that kind of stuff is very bad for you and right now the fda and other goverment agencies are trying very hard to get it banned its that bad....please stop...god bless and good luck

yes it's safe but to slam a 6 pack a day is not good for you. i prefer monster myself.

I don't know whether it's safe, but I do know two things.

1. It's not regulated by the FDA, so if you trust the FDA, you might think twice about it.

2. Even if it is safe, like everything else, it should be used in moderation.

Red Bull is loaded with caffeine, and caffeine is a drug, albeit not yet illegal. Just be careful.

hahha, no red bull gives you heart attacks dont run after or before drinking them, i would try to slow down on that,its probably just a caffine withdrawl or something[[about your headaches]].

not on a empty stomach
u cud get a seazure. im not kidding thats what happened to my friend last year during school. they called the ambulence and everything. it was scary

i don't think you're supposed to consume more than 3 red bulls in a day......your headaches are caused from a caffeine withdrawl coffee would fix that and it doesn't contain guarana and things like that that are bad for you. there's also a new energy drink out that's not bad for you like the can check it out if u want

You said that you're getting headache if you're not having it. Headache is first sign that your body can not function properly without caffeine that you're taking regularly. It means that you get addicted to it. Amount of caffeine that your body can take regularly without getting addicted varies from person to person, and you obviously over your limit.
You have 2 options now:
1. Try to take it easy with that. Reduce it to may be only 1 when you really need a boost. You'll be experiencing a headaches for a while, but when you body gets used to lack of caffeine, headaches will be gone. Take some headaches pills if you want ( but don't get addicted to them )
2. you can take more of it, and more and more but then you'll get in the state of permanent caffeine intoxication. It means ... " It may include restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heart beat, and psychomotor agitation" - source:Wikipedia.

I wouldn't recommend you that one.

Put Vodka in them and their better.

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