Can my Yixing teapot be saved?!

Question: I am an idiot. I was told to leave the used oolong tea in my yixing teapot for a few days after each use to let the flavor seep into the porous clay. However, I forgot about the soggy tea leaves for a few months and when I opened the pot today the tea was horribly moldy. Is this it? Should I dispose of the pot? It is an artisan made pot and cost me over $50. Can someone help me salvage my tea pot??


Answers: I am an idiot. I was told to leave the used oolong tea in my yixing teapot for a few days after each use to let the flavor seep into the porous clay. However, I forgot about the soggy tea leaves for a few months and when I opened the pot today the tea was horribly moldy. Is this it? Should I dispose of the pot? It is an artisan made pot and cost me over $50. Can someone help me salvage my tea pot??


i think you can just wash it out, youll lose the seasoning but you wont lose the pot. I have one of these too it is a great pot. ohh just wash with hot water dont use soup err soap.

post on this forum, the tea experts hang out there

after rinsing thorourly, put in some warm water and drop one or two everfesent tabs (the ones used to soak dentures) works great. Then just reseason the pot.

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