Are energy drinks like Red Bull effective and are they REALLY bad for you?!

Question: If they are bad for you, in what way?

Answers: If they are bad for you, in what way?

Yeah, they do give you energy. And yeah, they're bad for you. They raise your blood pressure and your heart rate, even if you drink one per day. (And this increase in heart rate & BP is steady over time, not just for the duration of which you're drinking it.) Most of them contain guarana, which is a natural stimulant, just like caffiene; however, guarana contains three times as much caffiene as coffee. On top of putting in guarana and other herbals, there's more caffiene they add into the beverages. They do make diet energy drinks, so sugar isn't really the issue.
Caffiene is a central nervous system stimulant. (It's also considered a psychoactive substance.) Caffiene produces certain neurotransmitter levels to increase, and inhibits some chemicals inside the body, thus producing the increased jitters, activity, etc.
Over a period of time, however, one will need to continually consume more and more caffiene (thus energy drinks) than before.

yes, no

Well i tried NOS and i worked i stayed up for an extra 5 hours when i was really tired. but Evergy Drinks are bad for you. that is what i heard on the News.

They are quite effective for me (everybody's different though and I prefer coffee). They'll only be bad for you if you are too young, say under 13 or you drink far too many.

Yes, they are effective for a while. However, you end up haveing to drink more and more to receive that coveted initial buzz and you end up being addicted. Usually what is contained in them are enriched vitamins, a lot of caffeine, and other ingredients like ginko and ginger. Your liver can handle them if taken in common sense amounts.

Yes, they work.

Yes, they are bad for you, esp if taken in excess.

The drinks contain large quantities of sugar, which will pack on weight. They contain good old caffeine, like coffee, but in such high doses they can play holy hob with blood pressure and heart rates. Finally, they contain taurine. Much like caffeine, it is a stimulant. Taken with caffeine, again we are mostly talking high quantities here, will cause high blood pressure, shaking, anxiety, poor sleep, and increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.

If you must drink them, drink only one a day, and only in the first part of the day.

One of my best friends wife's a doctor she took them from us and said it would be quicker to put a bullet in our heads. That was 8 months ago haven't had one since.

They are full of sugar ..Some one decided that red bull and vodka was the in drink my god have you ever tasted something so vile and the smell !
My self i drink vodka and lucazade so when i`m pissed i have the energy to crawl home !!!!!!!!

I heard of people who drink to many of these thinking that they need more energy.They took a trip to the ER for heart Palpitations.Not good to have to much caffeine.I had acid reflux from to much coffee.If not checked out it can develop into throat cancer.Moderation is essential.

if ur over 16 it wouldnt do that much but it can damage u if ur under 16 drink it whenever u had a bad day its better that way

That what I've heard but I drink a lots of rock star there is a wed site that you can go to it tells you on the back of the can I Put your height and weight and it tells you how many can you can drink. They say that it speed up your heart rate above the average and that it over work the heart .

They are really effective.
They will make you stay up for a few extra hours (it depends on your body, they are all different.)
They can be bad for you. If you are really young, or if you drink to many of them.

Yes effective. If you drink them in large amounts it could be bad for you but mostly not. Monster has a warning on the back of there cans not to drink more that 2 or 3 cans daily and its not for children. The reason red bull is called red bull is because its got taurine in it. kinda disgusting. But overall not bad for you. Taste good. Made of disgusting crap.

You kind of answered your own question.

Yes, they are effective but they are REALLY bad for you.

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