Function drinks? the next big thing?!

Question: Are these Function drinks, the real thing will it actually allow me to push harder and stronger when i run,

Answers: Are these Function drinks, the real thing will it actually allow me to push harder and stronger when i run,

Hey. There is no question they work. I am a health nut and can't live without most of their drink line. I do triathlons and the combination of Alternative Energy and then Shock Sports for recovery, in my opinion, has allowed me to get over the rut I was in and start moving toward some better times. I do drink the others too, especially Urban Detox. I spent a few hours a few months ago reading all the science on the drinks on their website and, from some previous reading I have done when I started training for my triathlons, the science is definitely real. I spoke with my nutritionist about my regiment and he actually is now hooked on these drinks.

I don't preach about my diet, etc, or think everything I do is right when it comes to training and exercise and nutrition, but I do know that they have made a positive difference for me.

My two cents

you forgot to name them so we could tell you or not!

No. The next big thing is "Efficiency Drinks", where your boss thinks you're performing well (even when you stay home) and get a raise.
Oh, the buster here is to make him drink it, not you.

I started drinking them a few months ago and can really tell the difference after a long run when I drink one or I don't. The research is all there. Check out their website.

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