I drank a glass of water and I'm still thirsty. What gives?!

Question: If a person is really dry, or thirsty if you will, you are partially dehydrated. This is why drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is recommended. By the time a person feels that real thirst like you have mentioned, you have deprived your body of the need for hydration.

Answers: If a person is really dry, or thirsty if you will, you are partially dehydrated. This is why drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is recommended. By the time a person feels that real thirst like you have mentioned, you have deprived your body of the need for hydration.

uh-- drink another one then.

Spoil yourself, have another one.

You're weird. Who cares if you're thirsty?!?!? If you're still thirsty drink another glass! Gorge yourself on water if you want! Take a shower and gulp all the water down! Why are you so freakin thirsty?!?!?

Try a Hydra-lite drink- you maybe dehydrated, then again a lemon,lime and bitters may do the trick, revitalises the taste buds and settles the tummy.

drink cold water

I ate a burger and was still hungry. It boggles the mind doesnt it

have another one first off and second some water companies are putting sodium in the water to make you drink more of their water. that could be it also.

Powerade and Gatorade are good for dehydration.

If you have a problem----excessive thirst can indicate sugar problem----
however---- drinking water is not harmful .........so drink some more if you are thirsty....
Traditional Chinese Medicine advises the use of hot water as an excellent all purpose curative ---plain water ----
pro weight lifters may drink copious amounts of water daily while in training for events----

you should drink another one then!

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