Is it safe drinking soda after they open and let it sit for couple days and drink.?!

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Pretty much safe but not very tasty, although some people like it like that.

I wouldn't drink it!! It should be refrigerated after you open it.

No, you might die. Just kidding, um, yes of course it's okay silly, it might not taste AS good but it's safe :-P

it cnt kill you or anything. unless you dont do that at a dance or when there is a lot of people because one my friend drank it and was obnoxious. for the rest of the day. (u never know what people can put in there).

but...doesnt it taste better when you drink it right after you open it??

Most likely but it sure won't taste good...

Soda goes flat after a couple days eww.. and if its warm ... that would taste really nast-y..

yes but it will be flat

It's safe, just not very tasty.

maybe a passing fly pissed in it

Probably, but it doesnt taste so good if it lost its fizz.

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