What is the difference between Red Bull and Gatorade ?!

Question: Red bull is a very strong energy drink that will give you heart problems if you are too young and drink it (which is 12 or under) and gatorade mainly hydrates you and gives you a little energy. (it doesn't matter how old you are to drink gatorade)

Answers: Red bull is a very strong energy drink that will give you heart problems if you are too young and drink it (which is 12 or under) and gatorade mainly hydrates you and gives you a little energy. (it doesn't matter how old you are to drink gatorade)

I dunno

go online

Gatorade is used to rehydrate you but Red Bull is used to energize you.

not really. they both get you high.

gatorades healthier. red bull gets you high, then your sugar level drops dangerously, and fast. gatorade gets you a little more upbeat and keeps you there, doesn't bring you down like red bull would. its mainly just way healthier.

There are quite a few differences.
Gatorade is meant to put back the water and minerals your body loses during exercise.
Red Bull contains a blend of ingredients meant to stimulate brain cells.

Ones got a bull in it ,the other a gator!!!!!

one has more caffeine in it then the other I think it is the red bull

Red Bull is an energy drink, it contains a lot of caffiene to give you a burst of energy. Gatorade is a sport drink, it's intended for athletes to rehydrate them during exercise and prevent their cells from bursting from osmosis which could happen if they just drank water.

red bull- it has bull sperm in it and it drains ur energy after all your red bull energy is gone
gatorade- it has electrolites and it can give your body long lasting but safe source of energy

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