What is the best quick snack to have before a sporting event ?!

Question: -energy drinks ( Red Bull , Gatorade ) etc
-not big heavy meals, just small pre-game boost snacks and drinks

Answers: -energy drinks ( Red Bull , Gatorade ) etc
-not big heavy meals, just small pre-game boost snacks and drinks

pasta is one of the best meals i ate it everytime before high school football
most NFL players eat it to
stick with gaterade its great


We had a swim meet 2day, and I had my gatorade and water.

bananas and fruits

maybe friut and gatorade

i think it would have to be a granola bar (chocolate chunk) itd help you out and it a cool little snack w/ chocolate in it what else would you want?

uhhh... dunno here's my brain fart: a red or green bell pepper, red bull or w/e really makes your hypernate... that extreme 90% caffeine drink? but you'd become deluded like you're on something if you had that O_O

half a sandwich

u dont want to be so weak that u faint so make sure u get a good meal. usually its good to have like a hardy meal (pasta) like 5 hours before the game. then a snack before. dont starve urself.... but also dont eat a large meal.

fruits granola bar definitley not red bull or energy drink

a hotdog, powerade, water, or a nuitritous bar with no chocolate in it.

well the best things are like grains. for example nature valley bars. Gatorade isn't bad, but don't drink ANY energy drinks like monster, red bull, rockstar, u get my point. those drinks actually "suck out" all ur energy. Gatorade and water r the best.

Sports shake, I like chocolate. It is loaded with potassium, carbs, sodium and in not a very big package to weight you down. It has been around for years and years and is still here unlike other sports drinks that have come and gone. It is not a thirst quencher as it would take five cans or more to dent that but for a quick before sports do sports shake, available in chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Enjoy.

forget the energie drinks, it's not good at all.
just boil eggs, at eat only the white part , only the white part.

rice and chicken with no skin .

protein like a bit of cheese & crackers with a bit of meat the Gatorade a few small carrot & celery sticks

so 2 cheese meat & crackers, 2 small sticks of the vegies named, a banana, Gatorade.

Raisins are good for energy also,

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