Who is hotter in my picture?!

Question: in my profile picture -- who looks better?

Answers: in my profile picture -- who looks better?

I'll be diplomatic --- the one in the middle.

The one on the right.

the question is... who is hotter in my picture?

I like men myself.

creative question ...

neither that Jessica girl a few posts up is hott and her friend is too

the left is better.

are you boys?

TO THE ONE IN THE LEFT= Actually you look kinda hot and really cute!

TO THE ONE IN THE RIGHT= Actually you look really hot and kinda cute!

THE TRUTH= BOTH are equally nice left,cute. right, hot.

without seeing you and having a thermometer I can not really tell .... sorry!

ever though u r both pretty dam ugly, too ugly to ask people which of u is hotter, (its jus hard to pick between 2 ugly people) i have to go with the one on the right becuz the other is just horrible, neither of u r nearly hot enough to b asking poeple this

12 year olds aren't "hot".

both of u looks cool

get off yahoo please..

no one

girl on the left hey baby :)

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