Is is better to spend extra $$ to purchase coca-cola that contains sugar instead of HFCS?!

Question: Went to a friend's house and they were having coca-cola from mexico and as i was reading the lable.... seen that they contain sufar instead of hfsc.... so i drank with less guilt. although it cost more and come in glass bottles

Answers: Went to a friend's house and they were having coca-cola from mexico and as i was reading the lable.... seen that they contain sufar instead of hfsc.... so i drank with less guilt. although it cost more and come in glass bottles

YES! Sugar alternatives increase your risk of several types of cancer and can be much more toxic to your body.


i dont get it is it wine

what's HFCS? anyway, if you're uncomfortable with drinking something, I think it's worth the money to drink something that you are comfortable drinking.

It's better to drink something else altogether instead of soda of any kind.. Try water.

High fructose corn syrup is a mixture of glucose and fructose sugars. "Sugar" as you are referring to is cane or beet sugar, which is sucrose. Your body converts sucrose to glucose and fructose. Therefore it really doesn't matter which you consume from a biological standpoint.

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