Japanese green tea?!

Question: i) Can Japanese green tea go with milk?
ii) Whats the difference with chinese tea and japanese tea?
iii) What can i mix with Japanese green tea to make a drink?

Answers: i) Can Japanese green tea go with milk?
ii) Whats the difference with chinese tea and japanese tea?
iii) What can i mix with Japanese green tea to make a drink?

1) Japanese tea should be mixed with condensed milk not whole milk. Chinese tea goes better with the condensed milk in my opinion (sweater.)
2) The only real difference is where the tea plants are grown. Chinese people use rice water upon their tea plants on a regular basis while Japanese prefer to use enriched soils for the same thing. Chinese green tea has a tendency to be sweater while Japanese green tea seems to have more antioxidants.
3) In my opinion all green teas go good with a little lemon to add a bit of tartness to them. Otherwise a tablespoon of apple juice or orange juice goes well too. If you want something even stronger, mix 4 ounces of green tea with 1 once of strawberry & kiwi juice (kerns strawberry kiwi juice works nice,) and one once of vodca. Chill before serving.

i. I know people who mix Japanese Green tea with milk.
ii. Not sure of the exact differences, but there are thousands of different Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc... green teas. You may want to look up your brand and compare.
iii. I don't know why you'd want to mix good green tea with anything. It is a perfect drink in and of itself.

i) Japanese green tea isn't usually served with milk, but adding condensed milk to it would make it taste similar to tapioca "bubble tea" - very sweet, with green tea flavor.

ii) Chinese and Japanese tea are grown in their respective countries, and because of this they take on the flavors of their land. Some people say you can taste the sea with Japanese tea, that there is kind of a "kelp" flavor to it, because Japan is an island, and the salty air gives flavor to the tea leaves. I've noticed this with some Japanese green teas.

iii) Try mixing condensed milk and tapioca for bubble tea. For a refreshing and zingy drink, try adding freshly grated ginger to your tea. Or, if you want something alcoholic, you could make a green tea martini.

My dad drinks ONLY JAPANESE green tea, he doesn't like anything else and can taste the difference. You can drink milk in any tea but I wouldn't waste the flavor of good tea by diluting it with milk. (When I buy cheap teas, I add milk and cinnamon to cover the bad flavor of the tea.) Chinese green tea has a more earthy taste, Japanese green, as discribed above, tastes of the sea.

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