What can happen to your body if you drink too much Coca Cola?!

Question: ummm .... like 11 cans ....

Answers: ummm .... like 11 cans ....

You blow up like a big balloon.........then go P-O-P!

Your teeth fall out and you put on ten kilos

you wont be able to sleep and you'l be farting a lot with the gas

just leave a 6 inch nail in a glass of coke for a while and see the result.

What 11 cans in 1 day.
I have no idea but I dont think its good.

not much really unless you have a weak stomach. suppose you will need the loo pretty quick. but think about your teeth! i drink alot of diet coke so i cant talk.

You can have such thing as 'Over Acid' in the stomach which can cause stomach cramps.

You will then have to have Alkaline tablets from the doctor to neutralise this.

The course of tablets can last a minimum of a month.

Been there, done it and worn the T-shirt.

are you after some kind of sponsorship?

you will get fat, your teeth will rot from the acid, you will become addicted to the caffine. get a glass of coke put coppers in it and check the next day, they come out gleaming imagine what it does to your insides then? i work with mental health patients and coke and cigs are there life and there teeth are horrible and they have withdrawl symptoms if they dont have money to buy, i have even seen patients water it down to make more coke

All fizzy drinks are very acidic, even diet ones, and this causes a lot of damage to your teeth - thats one thing. Sugary drinks will also cause plaque build up.

Also being fizzy, they contain lots of CO2 which will either make you burb and fart a lot, it could get trapped and be painful.

Also the CO2 can effect the pH of your stomach acid so you don't feel too good.

Too much caffine can make you feel stressed and panic, maybe give you headaches.

Also, i always get hiccups which hurts my chest and throat.

good chance of diarrahea and gas...plus all that sugar and calories aren't good for you, don't do that.

all the time or only on one day, you'll end up with an indegestion problem, you may feel a little hyper and stressed due to the extra cafeine.

If it's done as a one off not much will happen, it couldl give you a lot of wind and the sugar could make you sick or hyper.

If it's done on a daily basis on the long run, the phosphoric acid inhibits the absorption of calcium on the bones, also will caused erosion in the teeth's enamel.

well you just probably have stomach problems....and you won't sleep maybe.cola contains very much acid and it's bed for your body.if you drink way too much you can even die but that can happen only if you drink every day.

Carbonation can cause kidney problems if you already have reduced kidney function. Also, the acid in any pop drink will etch your enamel. My 3 sibs who live on diet pop now have lots of expensive dental bills.

The minerals in your body will be depleted which will compromise your health and immune system. But you'll be fine if you have a good meal of liver and brussel sprouts.

hi, ull av bad teeth n get fat x

That ain't nothin'!

I drank a 12 pack of MD by myself when I was like, 13. Nothing happened, I just stayed up all night.


No, you should be fine. If you're concerned drink nothing but like, water for the next few days and watch what you eat. You might want to keep some Gas-X handy, too.

you need 20 minutes of jogging to eliminate one coca cola's glass

it will make ur stumic bulge did you know that coke can take the rust off a car?

I would only drink 2 or 3 ,CAFFEINE is added , do not know how much,( I am not sure if too many carbonated drinks raise blood pressure slightly)

sweet n full

Drop an old dirty coin in a glass of coke see what happens.

COKE is poison in a shiny tin if we invented it now you would probably only get it on prescription as a controlled drug along with whisky.

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