Ok, Im doing a experiment on caffiene addiction, Im going to (purposly) get addicted and see how long and hard!
Answers: to see how long and hard it is to break it, Does any1 have any advice? Like how much should I have? how long will it take? etc
It will take awhile to get hooked. Depending upon how much you drink a day. You will then suffer from feeling run down, and have head aches, etc as you try to cut yourself off. That usually takes a couple of weeks to fully recover from.
ya. drink a pepsi everyday for about a month until you always feel like you need more. then try to stop drinking pepsi, or watever your taking
mistake, caffiene is more addictive then heroin, it will cause insomnia, shaking hands, nervousness, the withdrawl will cause severe headaches and jitters, among other things
My advice is don't do it. That's like saying "I'm gonna start smoking to see how hard it is to quit." Twenty years later, there you are w/ yellow-stained fingers and lung disease.