Can you tolerate your coffee or tea without adding anything?!

Question: in other words, black or straight up?

Answers: in other words, black or straight up?

hot tea...straight up
iced tea...sweetened
coffee...milk, sugar and a lot of it

i can tolerate coffee but not tea...without sugar

No... I have to load up coffee with tons of cream and sugar before I can even force myself to swallow it. Same with tea. I generally stick to cocoa if I want something hot lol.

Oh no!! I have to add cream and sugar to both my coffee and tea.

NO. I need to add sugar.

yes. Good coffee and tea don't need anything. The coffee, or the liquid they call coffee in my office, needs a ton of sugar and creamer to be tolerable

I LIKE the flavor of coffee's so why would I try to cover it with other stuff.
Kind of like paying high dollar for a great cut of meat and cooking it until it resembles shoe leather, then covering it with catsup.
Oh, wait, I just realized I described Char$.....Only they don't pay high dollar...

I drink my tea straight. No sugar, no milk, no honey.

Coffee, on the other hand, I have drink with cream, sugar, cocoa, and whatever else I can dump in there. When I drink coffee, it's for the caffeine and not the taste.

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