I am addicted to caffiene?!
Answers: i have tried to stop drinking it before but i get such big headaces. i drink like 6 cans of pop a day. its really bad for me but i cant stop. what should i do?
Start by cutting back. Instead of six a day have four, then work your way down. Headaches are a part of it, unfortunately.
You shouldn't drink pop because of all the sugar. Revert to Coffee or Tea or try and give up :)
Drink coffee and use honey. But make yourself only drink it in the morning. You probably won't get a headache later in the day if you do that.
sugar is bad for you - it's EVILLLLLL!
Start slow and wean yourself off so many....it's not that you can't have any but just replace some of them with juice or water....Good Luck
i'd say try to substitute it with coffee or tea. Even though they also have a lot of caffeine, they're healthier for you than sodas that are packed with sugars, artificial sweeteners, additives and preservatives etc.
Then you can start drinking less coffee gradually.
Good luck!
eh im addicted to caffiene too, and it sucks.
its worse for me though because i get knots in my breast.. NOT GOOD. its from drinking too much of it.. soo the consequences for me drinking it is having a knot in my breast which brings LOTS of pain. i went to the hospital cause i thought it was osmething else, but they said it comes from drinkin too much of that. fibrocisic or something like that i kno it starts with a "F"
try that coca cola that doesn't have caffine or sugar in it.
look out for this one, http://www.2heartsvending.2hearts.biz/im...
like that one guy said. start going down to 5, then 4, 3, 2, and if u want 1 or one every other day
cut it down.,1 a day will be fine