Which tastes better.....?!
Answers: Which tastes better, Pepsi Cola or Coca Cola?
Coca Cola
Coca Cola
COca cola!! ummm... YUM!!!
Their both crap...
Coke, duh
most people like cola cola better.answer this too:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
Coca Cola
Pepsi has a bitter watered down taste
Coca Cola!!!
Coca-Cola has more flavor and is more carbonated. I don't switch to anything else.
I like Coca Cola better.
Coca Cola, mmmmmm especially super cold!!!!
i think it's coco-cola
pepsi max
This is my opinion: Pepsi is overall a better beverage than coca cola if you drink it alone, but coca cola tastes better for me when I drink it along with my food.
Pepsi Cola....
they both taste the same
for me neither, I don't like pepsi much anymore and I never liked coca cola unless in glass bottle. I guess that would mean I like coca cola as long as it is in glass
Pepsi has more sugar than coke, so if you like a sweeter drink then pepsi, but if you want a more crisp and carbfilled drink, than coke is the way to go. But you shouldn't drink either, watch supersize me, and seeing mcdonalds and cokes will make you puke.
I perfer drinks without High Fructose Corn Syrup. Start checking to see how many drinks have this in the top 2 or 3 ingredients. Soda is just one of them...
I like 100 percent juice or I drink nothing.
I prefer Pepsi, but my wife prefers Coke. We keep Coke in the house. I've switched to Mountain Dew.
Coca Cola - especially with maraschino cherries and lots of ice!!!
if you like it sweeter, pepsi, if you like it fizzy, coke
coca cola, pepsi has too much sugar, you can taste it!!
I prefer Coca cola