How do you know when it's time to get a new coffee maker?!
Answers: Is it better to get a coffee press?
Yes, when the water isn't heating up to around 190 then it is time. With my old coffee maker, I noticed it was making a funny noise and it was obvious that it was time for a new one.
I like coffee pressed coffee better. It is much smoother and you are allowed to control the water temp. But, then again that taste might not be for you if you are used to brewer coffee.
I like epic's suggestion to where you borrow a press from someone and try it out. Also, if you have a local coffee shop, you should be able to request a cup of coffee made from a press.
I'm not sure about the coffee press ??????????
Your coffee maker is ready for the graveyard when the warming plate is getting rust colored or discolored and / or the coffee starts tasting like the Ganges River.
Maybe you just need to clean it with some white vinegar ? Fill the decantur with white vinegar and brew it like you are making coffee. When it is finished, repeat (when the vinegar cools). After this, discard the vinegar and then run a brew cycle with plain water. Also, when you brew coffee, try to use pure / bottled water rather than tap water.
when it stops giving you coffee
When the lines are getting blocked,not just once.
if the coffee maker can't heat the water fast enough, or doesn't heat it hot enough, or if it malfunctions in any other way, it leaks or whatever.
a french press will give you a much different flavor because the coffee grounds steep for longer. A coffee maker runs hot water through the grounds and isn't steeped very much. I'd borrow a french press from someone, see if you like it and go from there. It's a stronger taste from what I hear.
If you have cleaned the immersion coil and it won't get water to 190 degrees, time to get a good machine.
when it doesn't work
When it starts making gross coffee. . .haha no, when it leaks I guess is when I found out i needed a new one.