Online Translator. This made me laugh. I typed in the instruction on how to make up a sachet of geletine....?!

Question: and this was the result.
empty the content of 1 on of geletin in a bowl which this dry one. of 500ml of water cold, seperates a spoon and stirr to the geletin. I put the rest of the water in a dipper to the fire until boiling.

retire of the fire and you spill the water in the container where habia left the geletin.

remove until it's complete dissolution and you let cool a little before its use in any prescription. once elaborated it recites it wished, it lets rest 2 hours in the ready refrigerator and. to serve.

It ticked me when I got the translation sorry for boring you.

Answers: and this was the result.
empty the content of 1 on of geletin in a bowl which this dry one. of 500ml of water cold, seperates a spoon and stirr to the geletin. I put the rest of the water in a dipper to the fire until boiling.

retire of the fire and you spill the water in the container where habia left the geletin.

remove until it's complete dissolution and you let cool a little before its use in any prescription. once elaborated it recites it wished, it lets rest 2 hours in the ready refrigerator and. to serve.

It ticked me when I got the translation sorry for boring you.

Spanish to English...That doesnt surprise me.I was using a Translator the other night to talk to my friend in Spain...I thought I was being rather clever !! She understood about 50% of it...The rest she just laughed at..

I totally got it...

Well, I think the error was on your side. In English it is "gelatin" and in Spanish it is "gelatina".
So "geletine" is really your fault. Learn either English or Spanish.
And you're laughing?

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