Will a few cups of coffee keep someone awake that's been up for 72 hours?!
tsk, tsk: You are a nasty little man, aren't you???
72 minutes is a guppy.
Answers: Probably not, at least I would not count on it.
tsk, tsk: You are a nasty little man, aren't you???
72 minutes is a guppy.
Me either; it depends on how much caffeine you use day to day.
yes my friend does it all the time
i would think not
This is a log of my experiences with mid-advanced sleep deprivation. The later updates within the log are obscured due to the overwhelming mental and physical effects of not sleeping which I encountered.
It is
1:00 PM, Saturday, March 27.
I haven't slept in 5 hours.
I'm feeling normal right now. I slept ~8 hours last night.
---------------------- It is
2:00 PM, Sunday, March 28.
I haven't slept in 29 hours.
Right now I'm feeling drowsy. I've been drinking a cup of coffee every now and then, and it's working well. Through the night, I kept myself occupied as best as I could with movies and computer games. Staying awake wasn't a challenge. I have no change in mood at the moment, although I am starting to feel slightly sluggish. I'm not quite as enthusiastic as I usually am about day to day activities. Overall, nobody I associate myself with has been able to tell I'm lacking sleep.
It is
5:00 PM, Monday, March 29.
I haven't slept in 56 hours.
Right now I'm starting to get extremely apathetic towards everyday things. My performance in day-to-day dealings and events is extremely uninvolved. I'm starting to get slightly irritable and impatient with people who make mistakes/act stupid around me. Staying up is increasingly difficult. I find that if I do anything aside from quickly blinking, I nod off to sleep. This has happened 5-6 times, but I've snapped out of it. Caffeine is becoming a major factor in staying awake. I can't perform complex literary/mathematical functions without many careless errors. Through the night I no longer watched TV - I was in danger of falling asleep. I must keep myself involved... busy to stay awake. My eyes are becoming slightly red, and slightly pained. This pain can only be relieved by closing them, which I simply cannot do. My reflexes are beginning to slowly dwindle.
It took me a while to correct grammatical and spelling errors in this update. There may still be some, but I don't have the patience to fix them.
it is
8 pm, wed march 30'
i haven slept in 83 hrs
i can barely keep my eyelids open. i have to fight so hard not to just lose it and fall asleep. will power is is starting to become i bigger part of staying awake. ive abandoned any sort of activivty to requires intense attention because i just get frustrated- i lash out at people that get in my way and i find myself to be really irritable whn i can muster up enough energy and will power to yell at someone. caffeine is constantly coming into my body, and ive taken severla nodoze tablets. im not going to try anything illegal like meth because i decided this should be fairy level stated when awake this is really ****ing difficult. i feel extremely apathetic to all sorts of things right now and generally dont give a s***. my eyes are extremely sore right now, and very red on top. at hour 70-72 somewhere i developed a dull headache that has been grwing in tension. i feel terrible and am close to mentally giving up and sleepng
it is 6pm wednesd mar 31
havent slept in 105 hrs
my eyes are burnng horribly an seem to be bloodshot. as far as reaction time goes, its almost nonexistant. i had friend throw something at me, and didnt even bother flinching. needless to say it hurt, but felt duller and insignificant to if i was rested. nothing but incoherent thoughts ar ronning through my head, i cant concentrate on a thing. when i do talk i ramble nmeedlesly, mumbling notbhing but jibberish. my sense of taste is dwindlng, althoy i think i may just be imagining it. i try to keep myself busy drinkng coffee and other diuretics to keep myslf busy and p*ss*n so i cant sleep with full bladder. as im writin this, im in danger of sleeping because this chasir is padded. i must stay in unconfortable positions endlessly to stay awake. my muscles are aching and sore all over my body from not gvng them a break. asi attemtp to watch tv, im tryng to listen and comprehend but its extremely unclearand i dont understand dont understand. i think i may be hearing things, auditory hallucinations, but im gambling thats its simply a placebo effect because thats what im expecting. i cnst explain myself right now ,this is so full of errors but i cannot allot my concrentration tow fixing thm,. if these auditory hallucinations continue and i can confirm that theyy rre actully hapnign, im stang up 6 dyas. hah. i doubt that somehow. i just want o sleep, its all i can hthink about. im feeling delirious-
with l ove
its 3pm, thurs. april 1
i haven not slept in 126 hrs
my mental aptitude is completely shot. words that come out of my mout are completely random ; nonsensicle. i have found a good way of keepng myself awake and active is wlaking around the neighbordhood. the fresh air, sun, and public environment somehow tells me brain it is not appropriate to fall asleep in the outdoor public setting, which somehow is relieving some of the severe urges to sleep. in addition to complete mental exauhstion, i am physically deprived. i cannot eat a thing, only takng in liquids. my appetite is completely gone, i havent eaten in 14-16 hours or so. time is beginning to drag, an percetion of it is slightly more difficult. my entire body is sore and the pain in my eyes is at a peak as im writing. the headache has gradually increased and is making is difficult to to stay much mawake more. in additon, i am developing a slight stomach ache that is more of a nuisance than anything. when all physical ailments are combined with complete mental emptyness this makes for an awful experience. i am certiain i am hearing audioty hallcunations - i hear a cat mewo despite thatfact thast i own no cats. i also hear a weird series of bleeps in different tones - i cannot find the sourceo f them. i snap in and out of an almost trancelike state wher i look at a random object an space out. ifeel delirious, a frien came over to check on me asi told him to, and he thought it was funny that my statements were halfbaked nonsensical jibberish. i no longer simply walk - it is more of a staggerlike lurchin g. my balance is also off. out of the corner of my eyes i believe im seeing visual disturbances an interruptions. no hallucinations - i imagin thos come muhc later - just ripples an slight distortions in my periphial. it may not even be a true hallucination, just delerium. i am so fatigued tha if sonmeone offered me to sprint around a track once for 100 grand, i most likely couldnt. when i fill my head with thoughts of going to sleep and curling up in bed under a blanket, i get a dumb smuile on my face. for all i know, it could be my brain releasing positive chemicals of some sort to will me into sleepng. i hope what i'm saying is makng sense. i have little attention span and my short term memory seems to to be weakened so i wrote thi update over about half an hour. i hav reached my goal an will stay up slightly longer to futrher explor auditory hallulcinations and see if the visuals increas. if not, im going to go to bed. i have a grin on my gesicht jsyt thinking about it,.
thansk for readng. it will be interesntg to go over this log when ii ma fully rested an analy it a little after sleepngm.for the record the only stimulant usedd was caffeine, wich i stope usng 12 hrs ago becauee the comedown was killin g me./
goodnight. dropping into bed will be GOOD FEELNGI..
In conclusion the effects of extended sleep loss were both what I expected, although much more intense and earlier happening than I thought. The last two updates are especially nonsensical. My body was focusing most of its mental and physical energy on keeping me awake; not typing out responses. I consider this experiment a success.
of course it'll keep u awake.i've tried myself.