I had 20 shots of expresso, and I blacked out; now I can drink that, barely does anything;what's wrong w/ me?!
Answers: wean urself off the caffeine first of all... your a med student, go to your doctor they can help =) Then try eating apples in the morning and dried fruit throughout the day.... fills you up, keeps u energized, and doesn't make u sleepy like the comfort foods can.
Your body is used to a high amount of caffeine. Thats what happens as people drink lots of coffee. Soon your cup of joe needs an add shot..then two..then next thing you know, you need like four just to keep awake.
I used to work at Starbucks, and take it from me: coffee is a compensation. Its the bronze prize. And in large doses is not good for you... instead, go to bed an hour earlier and start drinking water all day. GUARANTEE you will be alert all day!
Oh my god 20? thats crazy..you really need to ween yourself off of it...try to drink coffee instead and keep it at around 2-3 cups. Your body adjusted to that amount of caffine but it's way to much.You should force yourself to get up earlier and get things done before..not right before it due of course, you need to make a schedule and make sure to start getting more sleep.
Um eventually caffeine wont do the trick anymore... i drink pots of coffee all day long and can go right to sleep...
stimulants eventually like any other drug have a tolerance factor to them...
the only thing that got me thru med school... was my love of medicine and kristal mefth
stayed up for 2 weeks one time... and i couldn't sleep had to take lots of downers to finally fall asleep... I don't recommend it... but it does work...