What kind of coffee to brew at home is moderately priced but excellent taste?!
Answers: Are there any good instant coffees too?
dunkin donuts coffee
I like Eight O'Clock Bean, get the regular whole bean and grind it yourself. Some think this is a little strong, but I know a lot of people that like it.
Dunkin Donuts fresh , Tasters Choice instant
The new folgers
how they say it works in the commercial
It really works like that!!!!
Melitta is great, even the decaf. Colombian coffee is the best-tasting to me. I think instant coffee is terrible...
Limebird has it correct. Go to work for Dunkin Doghnuts and learn how they brew their coffee, it is the best in the world.
This is going to sound really lame, but I forgot to pick up coffee for a bridal shower I was having at my home and used a "just in case" bag of Wegman's brand. Everyone at the shower was raving about the fantastic "gourmet" coffee...which was store brand and cost less than $3 per pound.
The best instant IMO is Taster's Choice Gourmet Roast. Now, Kroger has an interesting house brand organic instant that's also good.
For brewing, I go to the local Halal market where they sell coffee beans for about $6 per pound--I get them to mix about 3/4 light roast with 1/4 dark roast. You probably have an Arab or Persian-run Halal market somewhere near you, they love their coffee and they charge super-fair prices.
Dunkin Donuts coffee or Green Mountain coffee
Your own home roasted. Really. It will be the best tasting coffee you've ever had. And the cost is in the moderate range, a pound of green coffee beans will cost you about half of what the mass marketers will sell you for in a bag of Their special burnt roast. Which only weighs about 12 ounces most of the time.
Find some greens and try roasting them in your oven, that will get you started.
Oh, and Chester....the reason the 'New' floggers doesn't go worse is because they sell it to you STALE to begin with...It can't go much further down hill.