Seattle's Best or Starbucks?!
Answers: wich is better?
Starbucks by far!!! Seattle's Best coffee is more bitter that Starbucks, so I prefer Starbucks. Plus I like the atmosphere in the Starbucks coffee shops better as well.
hmm never tried Seattle's best so im going to have to go with starbucks.
I know starbucks is it really worth the price you pay? I mean I can make the same tasting coffee at home. While I'm in the shower it's brewing and I put it in my to-go cup and I'm out the door. I never think twice about stopping and spending $5 on a little cup.
starbuck's! they also say that coffee bean and tea leaf is also good but i havent tried it though!
Having had both, I go with Starbucks - it is a much smoother coffee.