Cows milk or soy milk?!
Cows milk or soy milk?
Answers: do you drink milk?
Cows milk or soy milk?
I drink soy... because you are what you eat/ drink and I would much rather be an edamame than a cow...
My hubby and I drink cow milk but our 16 mos old daughter drinks soy milk due to lactose/allergy issues.
I drink almond milk.
I mostly drink "organic" soy milk but also "organic" covv milk vvhen I have. It cost more, so I stay vvith the soy. I have put *organic* in quotes because it states it is certified organic. Hovvever, I don't actually see the process of it. The label could iust be bought, but hopefully I get vvhat I pay for. I trust it is.
VVhat do you drink?
Take care. Enioy your vveekend.
When I was a baby my mom had to give me soy milk, since I was alergic.
Nowdays I drink cow milk, but non-fat or delactose or light milk.
I don't like soy milk, but now my mom likes that a lot. Because she want's to prevent Osteoporosis.
So during your life time, you can drink whatever is best for your body.
Someone told me once, that cow milk is not for humans is for the baby cows. And I guess is right.
Cow's milk - skim; the full fat tastes too heavy. Don't care for soy.
be very careful nowdays with soy products ,most are gmo,[genetically modified] experts are finally starting to awake to the web search if you want to know more.second thing raw soy is not good for you[only fermented soy products are safe and healthful ie miso ,soy sauce]asian society has never consumed raw soy products and its been there for centuries,so you do the math,the only time they would eat soy was in times of great famine
Soy milk.I cant stand the taste of milk unless theirs cake and cookies involved.
Only fresh clean raw goats milk, because it tastes so so much better, and cows are nasty.
Soy milk is not milk