Can you tell tap water from bottled?!
Answers: Tap water beats bottles in taste test
I agree with Puzzled, water quality depends where you are, down here in South Devon, it's revolting, even the cheapest mineral water (17p for 2l) tastes much better.
Of course it does, bottled water will taste plasticy.
yep tap water comes out of a tap and bottled comes out of a bottle i think
I've never really thought about it. Now I shall try both to see.!!!
Depends where you live, my tap water is great (in Scotland) but some tap water is just awful.
Yeah, bottled water is a scandalous racket:
uhh one is more filtered than tha other one.
nope i can tell the difference from one area to another, i.e. London tap water taste different to Berkshire water which in turn taste different to water in Hertfordshire. although bottled water does tend to taste the same no mater which company sell it, it is no better or worse than any tap water and i often refill my water bottles from the tap and chill them in the fridge
I prefer tap water, and why pay twice over for water.
I can only tell the difference when it is running out of the faucet to be placed in bottles. After that I get confused as to whether it is now tap water or bottled water.
Where I live, there's so much chlorine in the water that it smells of swimming baths, tastes awful and bleaches the sink. I use a jug filter to make it taste exactly the same as cheap bottled water. It's not as good as Pellegrino, but it's about £2 a litre cheaper.
In my area the tap water is awful. It actually tastes mouldy!
I have drunk and cooked with nothing but bottled water for 10 years. I only use tap water for cleaning and washing.
bottled water taste better the tap water.
yes, i can. i prefer tap water. i am lucky enough to live in Duluth, MN, though. we have some of the best tasting tap water in the country
Not if the bottled water came from a tap in the first place!! Also, the dark floaties in my tap water would give it away!
I can tell the difference blindfolded. Tap water usually has a metallic taste to it due to the minerals in it and rusty pipes it flows through.
I prefer drinking bottled spring water.
most bottled waters are from the "tap"
i can taste the difference because our tap water is very it has a distinct flavor...bottled water is kinda plastcy.. i have aPUR my tap is better..
Sometimes I can, but not always
Yes, all American bottled water is run thru an osmosis system taking the bugs out, but also taking any minerals out. So its clean but not fresh like tap water is.
Yes I can tell the difference immediately-I really don't like tap water and find bottled much nicer. Don't know if it's the area we live in but the tap water is horrible-very metallic tasting.
I have just done a blind test on this very subject. The bottled water was safely diluted with 5% alcohol so tasted a lot better than the tap water. It was a bottle of beer.
Bottling water is a vile modern extravagance loved by people who talk about organic food and saving the earth's resources.