Is it possible to make a mocha cafe without using a coffee maker?!
You can attempt this, but it wont be as good as you are hoping:
1.) boil water
2.) place coffee grounds in water
3.) wait a few moments
4.) figure out someway to strain the grounds out
**BAM** you got coffee with out the coffee pot, now for the mocha....
add some sort of mocha flavor (maybe hot chocolate mix?) then some of your favorite milk
This is as close as you will get without the correct tools....a good idea would be to walk on down to starbucks (or preferably a local coffee shop with fair trade coffee) and buy yourself a mocha.....
Answers: Yep, because you dont need a coffee machine, you need an espresso machine.
You can attempt this, but it wont be as good as you are hoping:
1.) boil water
2.) place coffee grounds in water
3.) wait a few moments
4.) figure out someway to strain the grounds out
**BAM** you got coffee with out the coffee pot, now for the mocha....
add some sort of mocha flavor (maybe hot chocolate mix?) then some of your favorite milk
This is as close as you will get without the correct tools....a good idea would be to walk on down to starbucks (or preferably a local coffee shop with fair trade coffee) and buy yourself a mocha.....
well, I would suggest mixing some instant coffee with some hot chocolate, it might take a few times to get it the way you want but it should work.