Can you legally purchase powdered caffeine, for creating your own caffeinated drinks?!

Question: Yes, caffeine powder is available at many nutritional supplement stores or on-line at
I would not crush the over the counter pills as the filler used to form them may be bitter, the powder is 1005 caffeine.

Answers: Yes, caffeine powder is available at many nutritional supplement stores or on-line at
I would not crush the over the counter pills as the filler used to form them may be bitter, the powder is 1005 caffeine.

Just buy over the counter caffiene pills and powder them yourself. Easy, quick and cheap. :)

I would hope not! why would you want to create your own caffeine drink? Caffeine is not good for you, this is why I stopped drinking soda a couple years back. It causes weight gain, hypertension, and makes you hyper at first then very sluggish after awhile.

yeah, lol my cousin is hooked on the stuff, he takes it straght, also try spike pillls, rockstar pills, or red line pills.

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