The best way to serve store bought eggnog ?should it have a cinnamon stick?!

Question: I agree about the nutmeg...freshly grated is best...but store bought pre grated works...just a sprinkle though!!! Keep the nog really cold......dark rum, or a good whiskey like Southern Comfort is good.....if not sure.....let guests add their own liquor. A cinnamon stick won't give much flavor b/c the nog is cold....nutmeg is best & traditional.

Answers: I agree about the nutmeg...freshly grated is best...but store bought pre grated works...just a sprinkle though!!! Keep the nog really cold......dark rum, or a good whiskey like Southern Comfort is good.....if not sure.....let guests add their own liquor. A cinnamon stick won't give much flavor b/c the nog is cold....nutmeg is best & traditional.

Sure cinnamon is OK, but try adding some dark RUM.

Ground nutmeg sprinkled on top is traditional. You may also add a little brandy, rum, or burbon if you wish.

over ice...with a little grated nutmeg on top.
(if you are wanting it with alcohol, mix it with a shot of brandy, cognac, or rum).

A little brandy is good with fresh grated nutmeg.

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