How bad is store bought iced tea for you?!

Question: The kind I get is Prairie Farms iced tea I think. Its pretty sugary and its like 60 calories per glass. I can usually drink about a gallon in 2 days. I really really like it although I dont normally like tea. I'm pretty sure its bad for me but i work out a bad is it?

Answers: The kind I get is Prairie Farms iced tea I think. Its pretty sugary and its like 60 calories per glass. I can usually drink about a gallon in 2 days. I really really like it although I dont normally like tea. I'm pretty sure its bad for me but i work out a bad is it?

At the rate your consuming it, is is "easy" simple carbohydrates (the sugar content in it.) which wil store easily on your body. Depending on how often you exercise it would be having a negative effect on your results. As far as being bad for you,
worse results of high sugar diet - alot of calories lead to obesity,obesity leads to bad health problems plus if your gut gets to big, your weiner will be harder to find than a dodo bird. My advice ween yourself down off it. Thats alot in 2 days. Maybe 2 glasses a day tops.(Hey im a fiend for fried chicken but my cholestrol would kill me if ate it at that rate.)

ITS BAD FOR YOU???!!! i drink the arizona lemon iced tea all the time curled up with a book like almost everyday!!!

It is not necessarily bad for you. It could potentially be bad for you if you think you are drinking too much of it. 60 calories each serving is about 4 teaspoons of sugar so it's not that much, but it's refined sugar you don't need if you are watching your intake.

If you drink a gallon every 2 days, 3 gallons every week, 12 gallons every month, it could be a problem. Think about all that sugar. Maybe you could substitute water or juice for some of your ice tea intake.

I'm a tea freak, and love brewing my own hot tea, then adding whatever I like. That way I control what I add to my tea, like honey or sugar, and best yet, I control how much to add. I can put it over ice and it tastes great.

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