Pro's and Cons of drinking tea?!

Question: Pros:

1. Tea contains a small amount of vitamins.

Vitamin C in green tea helps to treat the flu and the common cold. Moreover, the polyphenols in tea have shown to increase the number of white blood cells in our immune system.

2. Tea is a rich source for minerals.

Polyphenols found in tea may reduce plaque, which lowers your chance of cavity and gum disease. Tea also contains fluoride that helps protect against tooth decay. Fluoride is extracted from the soil by the tea plant. This identified mineral also strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.

3.Tea is a rich source for antioxidants.

Tea contains antioxidant compounds of polyphenols that help the body fight harmful free radicals. It is believed that harmful free radical can lead to cancer and heart disease. Tea also contains flavonoids that restricts the build up of cholesterols and help with blood vessel functionality.

4.Prevent Dehydration

Tea is a good source of fluid intake that replenishes lost body liquid. Doctors recommend that it is vital to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day. Tea is low in calorie and it is a great thirst quencher.


1. Tea containes Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, it is addictive (it stimulates the same pleasure center in the brain associated with cocaine or heroin addiction), and it is the most commonly used mood-altering drug in the world.

Answers: Pros:

1. Tea contains a small amount of vitamins.

Vitamin C in green tea helps to treat the flu and the common cold. Moreover, the polyphenols in tea have shown to increase the number of white blood cells in our immune system.

2. Tea is a rich source for minerals.

Polyphenols found in tea may reduce plaque, which lowers your chance of cavity and gum disease. Tea also contains fluoride that helps protect against tooth decay. Fluoride is extracted from the soil by the tea plant. This identified mineral also strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.

3.Tea is a rich source for antioxidants.

Tea contains antioxidant compounds of polyphenols that help the body fight harmful free radicals. It is believed that harmful free radical can lead to cancer and heart disease. Tea also contains flavonoids that restricts the build up of cholesterols and help with blood vessel functionality.

4.Prevent Dehydration

Tea is a good source of fluid intake that replenishes lost body liquid. Doctors recommend that it is vital to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day. Tea is low in calorie and it is a great thirst quencher.


1. Tea containes Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, it is addictive (it stimulates the same pleasure center in the brain associated with cocaine or heroin addiction), and it is the most commonly used mood-altering drug in the world.

tea inhibits your body's ability to absorb if you are needing to build up the hemoglobin in your red blood cells you should limit the amount of tea you drink.

pros: relaxing and tasty
cons: i always spill it and it will never ever beat a nice cup of coffee

Tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which may fight cancer. It may also fight infections. It raises your metabolism slightly, and speeds up the distribution of oxygen in the body. It contains fluoride, which fights cavities. Tea may also decrease your chances of getting Type 2 diabetes or osteoporosis.

Tea can stain the teeth. You can cut down on this by rinsing your mouth out with water after each cup. It may raise your risk of kidney stones, though adding milk to it (if you drink black tea) or taking a calcium supplement may reverse this effect. It can inhibit iron absorption, so it's not a good beverage for anemics. If you drink too much of it, the caffeine and excess fluoride may have adverse effects. It'd take a lot of tea for you to overdose on caffeine, though; black tea has half the caffeine of coffee, and green and white teas have even less.

Tea is a very healthy drink.

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