Whats ur favourite coffee at starbucks?!

Question: What is your favourite coffee at starbucks?
What do you think would be the most popular coffee there?

Answers: What is your favourite coffee at starbucks?
What do you think would be the most popular coffee there?

Tall regular coffee with room. That's my drink. Easy, straighforward, less than 10 calories a cup.

Lots of people like things like the carmel macchiato. Say hello to an extra 10 pounds.

vanilla latte

Caramel Apple Spice

caramel frap.


I reallllllllly really like White Mocha Frappuccinos, Caramel Frappuccinos, and hot White Peppermint Mochas. I don't have a favorite drink. I think that the most popular drink would be just a regular tall coffee, the strongest they offer on a given day.

It used to be the dulce de leche, but I found out it was seasonal : (, but any other time I drink a soy chai...as far as coffee I dunno as long as it's not to dark or light...maybe there house blend

Starbucks in Canada or Starbuck in the States? For me, my favourite/favorite coffee they have is the vanilla peppermint latte.

Venti Dark Roast, whichever roast it may be. No decaf, please. Plain hot strong black coffee for me.

A Caramel Macchiato. I love them.
And the most popular I think would be a frappuccino

mint moca frap

Toffee Nut or Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Their most popular coffee is VANILA LATTE.

I'm in the NW where Star bucks began...I LOVE coffee but I preferred Coffee People, before they closed down...unfortunately I think Starbucks bought them out:o) Merry Christmas..

iced white mocha

White Chocolate latte

quad venti white chocolate mocha

Triple Grande Non-Fat Caramel Machiato

a grande java chip no whipped cream

What was it that George Carlin said about Starbucks' customers? The more complicated the order, the bigger the a**hole? Right on George! Just give me a good strong dark roast to get me going!

whats wrong with plain strong black coffee? am i the only coffee purist left?
bangor, my hero!

toffee nut frappaccino

hot weather: Caramel light frapp
cold weather: peppermint mocha latte

The only Starbucks coffee I will drink, is one someone else buys....

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