How many sweeteners do you put in your tea/ coffee?!

Question: These are the type of questions Yahoo Answers is badly in need of, well done for bringing this one to our attention.

I used to have one and a half sugars in both tea and coffee but in more recent years I dont take any.

I would be most grateful if you dont pass this information on to anyone else

Answers: These are the type of questions Yahoo Answers is badly in need of, well done for bringing this one to our attention.

I used to have one and a half sugars in both tea and coffee but in more recent years I dont take any.

I would be most grateful if you dont pass this information on to anyone else



cup of hot beverage: one

cup of cold iced tea: 2-3, 4 if it's 32 oz.


i dont put that much. my mom puts more!!

Sugar only...........3, sometimes 4

Sorry one of my teeth just fell out

2,now what a hypocrite I am,I eat loads of chocolate but have sweeteners in my tea

Oh my gosh - always 3, I know it's too much but hey!!!

I'm a Southern girl.I make my tea at home and use one and one fourth cup of sugar to a gallon of tea.Love it with lemon!


1 sweetex

NOne. Use good quality and you don't need to disguise the taste.

3??? random question....

None, milk only or black.

I am ashamed to say this but 3, hey got sweet tooth.

Don't do either Sweetners or Sugar. Try it without for a while and you'll soon be able to taste the difference.


None, I drink Asda Smartprice Lemonade. Two litres per day, fabulous stuff. I gied up hot drinks cos I wiz fed up wi' gettin' ma tongue burnt all the time!!!!

one sweet n low


i don't put sweeteners on tea or coffee. i don't like sweets.

between 2/3 depends on what sweetner it is, some of them are to sweet.

I take none. I thought 3 was a lot. I've never heard of anyone taking as many as 8! Well done for cutting down though.

No sugar or cream in my coffee or tea.

Sometimes I have a home made Folger's Cafe Latte which is not very sweet.

two packets of splenda
if i really need to wake up then i dump like 4 or 5 packets of sugar in lol

I have 2......and I still get moaned at by my mother. She thinks 2 is excessive!!! I don't know how you can get through that many???

Put 8 in a cup of tea but dont stir they taste awful.

i put in one cream and maby one suger

That all depends on he tea and how sweet you like it. My favorite tea is the Orchard Spice Tea. I put one full packet in, hen take a second packet and only dump half. That way, it isnt over sugard because one bag isnt sweet enough/the tea is still bitter.

None. Or Sugar either. It's your choice hunni........!!!

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