Is coffee good for kids?!

Question: actually, it DOESN'T make them "wayyy out of control." I know many kids (including myself) =) who can handle it. it's okay once in a while, just not all the time.

Answers: actually, it DOESN'T make them "wayyy out of control." I know many kids (including myself) =) who can handle it. it's okay once in a while, just not all the time.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo, Actually too much of it is dangerous to old people .

nooooo. it makes them TOO hyper and WAY out of control. It can also make EVERYBODY's teeth yellow,

No! It's not going to kill them, but remember that children are much smaller than adults, and caffeine affects them more. It's ok for once in a while, but put milk in it.

Hell no!

as kids my brother was diagnosed with bipolar and coffee would slow him down even put him to sleep

no coffee is not good for kids.


no it is not good!it stunts growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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