Why aren't plastic milk bottles recyclable?!

Question: Is there a way that the milk industries can make them recyclable?

Answers: Is there a way that the milk industries can make them recyclable?

They are in my area.We can recycle any plastic with a #1 or #2 on the bottom.Check with your local township to find out their recycling guidelines.

well they r not recyclable because the plastic it is made of is non-recylable. there r glass milk bottles and cartons which r recyclable but thats all i can think of.

gee all this time i have been putting the milk bottles in the bin. oops =]

They are where I live - Saskatchewan, Canada. SARCAN Industries does them.

They are in the UK.
They are the main thing we are asked to put in the recycling bins.

I believe they are recyclable. I saw a special on television a few years ago where they showed a company that made those heavy-duty park benches out of recycled plastic milk jugs. I think that like with so many other recycling restrictions, it depends on where you live and what facilities are accessible to you.

They are in Alberta, Canada. Not resusable, mind you, just recycleable.

There's even talk of implementing a deposit and return program like on pop cans/bottles, beer containers, liquor containers, tetra-pac containers.

They are in Australia. If they are not recyclable in your area, start lobbying. Contact the milk industries, newspapers, environmental groups etc, ask why and demand change. As the consumer you have the power. Buy cartons or bottles until they change!
In South Australia; the purchase price of drink cans, flavoured milk containers and bottles includes a 5 cent deposit. Most charities, businesses and private homes collect these for the refund. It's greatly reduced the amount of landfill here.

they definitely are able to be recycled in my area, in Wisconsin

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