What's the difference between soy and cow milk ? which is better?!
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Soy milk is the liquid extract of whole soy beans. They usually add sugar to it, so it tastes better, and more like cow's milk. It's called "milk" because it resembles milk in apperance and nutrition. Soy milk has the same protein proportion as cow's milk, but with less fat. They also add calcium to soy milk, to make it more like cow's milk.
I buy cow's milk mainly because of the price. Soy milk usually costs about 40% more than cow's milk, so I only buy it when it's on sale. I prefer a glass of soy milk over cow's milk. But, I like cow's milk better, over cereal.
soy milk is bettter. im sure that soy milk healthier, and a lot of lactose intolerant people drink soy. and cow milk its made from real cows
cow's milk is BAD for you
drink soy milk, which is basically made of huled soy beans and water (some brands add sugar, vanilla, apple juice, etc for better taste, but you can also find the plain kind)
Soy milk isn't really milk. It's just a product made from soy beans. One is animal fat the other a vegetable oil.
Cow's milk comes from the cow. It contains butter fat, water, some minerals. The brands are usually fortified with calcium and Vitamin D. Soy milk is the juice of soy beans , a vegetable derivative,. People who cannot tolerate the fat in cows milk sometimes can drink sou in its place. Better is a matter of opinion.
one comes from a cow and one comes from a soy bean Einstein
cow milk is better, natural.
ok organic is better it tastes fresher it doesnt have puss like cow does and soy tastes gross