Is MInt tea good for you?!

Question: I am thinking the way the moroccan people do theirs, with fresh mint but loads of sugar, surely drinking that sugary drink more than once a day, like they do in Morocco, cannot be good for you?

Answers: I am thinking the way the moroccan people do theirs, with fresh mint but loads of sugar, surely drinking that sugary drink more than once a day, like they do in Morocco, cannot be good for you?

Mint tea is very good for you, its nice and it helps you to relax but don't have it with sugar

the sugar isnt that good...but I drink it with no sugar..its very good for digestion problems too


Mint is good for combating upset stomachs... why else woudl you get offered a mint after having a pizza .. or a curry in a restaraunt?

Not sure about the sugar though... Try it without sugar... it's NOT compulsary to have sugar....

Mint tea is the best when it comes to dealing with indigestion. It is also just nice to drink anyway, but you dont have to put sugar in it if you don't want to.

Goldfish, - trust me..... it's all another "con".


Mint tea is good for you and it helps relax you. Many spa's and massage places have it to help relax their customers.

It helps your stomach settle down and when it is hot, can help you with a sore throat. very soothing....

Try Green tea instead its better for you

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