Tea bags... healthy?!

Question: Is drinking far too much teas like english teas like green tea mint.. or breakfast morning tea flavour all the tiems and everydays with hot water and add sugar can make a person feel sick or ill from drinking too much hot tea? such as bushals... No im not talking about coffee.. coffee indeed will make you hydrogate and get headaches.. But what about tea bags? everydays lets say 2 times or more in a day ?

Let me know and i should give the best rating to the best answer as much info posible. Good luck lads.

Answers: Is drinking far too much teas like english teas like green tea mint.. or breakfast morning tea flavour all the tiems and everydays with hot water and add sugar can make a person feel sick or ill from drinking too much hot tea? such as bushals... No im not talking about coffee.. coffee indeed will make you hydrogate and get headaches.. But what about tea bags? everydays lets say 2 times or more in a day ?

Let me know and i should give the best rating to the best answer as much info posible. Good luck lads.

Yes, tea is full of antioxidents and other things that are good for you plus if you drink alot of tea you are drinking alot of water

Too much of anything is unhealthy. Think moderation in anything you consume. 2-3 cups of tea is fine.

I normally drink more than 2 cups of tea a day: cup or 2 in the morning, 2 after lunch and afternoon, then around dinner time and it doesn't make me sick. For some people it's harder to handle as they may not react well to the acid that's in the tea. In many cultures people drink a lot of tea throughout the day and stay pretty healthy. It's a good idea though to drink more green tea as it's much better for you.

Too much tea could expose you to excess caffeine and you could end up with stained teeth. Overall, the positive benefits of tea outweigh the negative.

I love tea and normally drink several cups a day. Probably more than you do, so I think it depends on a type of tea. Regual green or black don't make me sick in any way. However, various flower or herbs may require some precaution, because you may be allergic to some ingredients that they contain. For example, I once tried rose-tea, which smelled like real roses, but had absolutely no taste. Well, it did make sick. So, I guess it depends on a person and a tea.
Best wishes.

If you are drinking 2-4 cups of tea, you have nothing to worry about unless you are putting heaps of sugar in there.
The antitoxidants in tea will help you feel much better. And green teas do not have massive amounts of caffeine in them, but after a while you will develop an addiction to the caffeine, and you will probably feel a headache if you skip out on tea for a day or so..

tea. is. incredible.

no. tea does NOT dehydrate you like coffee does.

tea, any form really, is incredibly healthy.

tea is fully of antioxidants.
tea has falvonoids- look that one up. =)
tea aids in digestion, settles the stomach, and in the case of green teas, can actually speed up your metabolism. hello natural weight loss. =)
tea has oils in that are naturally beneficial to the body.

pound for pound, i BELIEVE tea has more caffeine than coffee, however the difference between the two is enormous. to me, the caffeine in tea is much mellower. you dont get a big, fat hyper caffeine high, as with coffee.

i drink many, many cups of tea a day. good old red rose, orange pekoe black tea. milk and sugar.
many people love herbal teas.

tea is good for you. period. easy on the sugar, maybe some milk so your teeth dont (eventually) start to stain...and have as much as you want.

just so you are aware, drinking tea does not count towards the daily recommendation of drinking water. most people think that it does, since tea is mostly just flavored hot water.

there are chemicals in tea. yes they tend to be better chemicals than those found in coffee, soft drinks, gatorade, etc. but none the less they do have chemicals. and anyone can overdose on chemicals, vitamins and minerals. i'd suggest to stick to no more than 2 cups of tea, or anything that isn't strictly water, a day.

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