What is the British equivilant of american half & half?!

Question: In America I use half & half in my coffee but Scotland doesn't seem to have anything called Half & Half. Which is closest to it; double cream, single cream... etc? Thanks!

Answers: In America I use half & half in my coffee but Scotland doesn't seem to have anything called Half & Half. Which is closest to it; double cream, single cream... etc? Thanks!

As the fat content in the US Half & Half is between 10.5–18% fat, the nearest to this in the UK is either Cream or Single Cream = 18% or Half Cream = 12%. Both of which are not sterilised.

It is called whole.

Natty your answer would be much more convincing were your own sentence to be word perfect.

Now to answer your question it is NOT Whole cream. In terms of fat content etc the cream to use is just single cream, we dont really have half and half here.

Ask the girl at Starbucks!!!!!

single cream


I'd assume it's something along the lines of single cream.

Hi,in england we just have milk with our coffee some people will use single cream but most people drink tea anyway.

Well, I know what half and half is now, but I am still confused about it.

Just put cream in, but, not clotted cream eh ?

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