Which is better for you ... soda pop or coffee?!

Question: In my eyes coffee and soda pop serve the same purpose - caffeine! I am just curious as to which drink is better for the body. I bet both are not the greatest things to consume compared to water but one must have some kind of advantage over the other.

Answers: In my eyes coffee and soda pop serve the same purpose - caffeine! I am just curious as to which drink is better for the body. I bet both are not the greatest things to consume compared to water but one must have some kind of advantage over the other.

Actually coffee is not bad for you, it's all the sugar and creamer that make it bad! Black coffee with one spoon of sugar in it has 15 calories (all from the sugar). One serving of soda- 100 calories plus the sodium and artificial caffeine. Coffee or tea are both much healthier choices!

good question. prob coffee is more healthy. I dont know thats a really good question.

i think coffe because on corner gas a tv show the girl wouldnt drink soda infront of her coworker becuase he woulkd say how bad it is but he idnt mind her drinking coffee

I would think that coffee is better because you can choose how much sugar you add to it. Regular soda has high fructose corn syrup that can be bad for you if you drink it all the time. It's mainly the sugar content in both drinks that is bad for your teeth, so I would say the less sweet one is better for you.

Coffee or tea, it's naturally occuring caffine whereas soda caffine is added and also soda has tons of sugar and artificial colors and junk. The diet soda is even worse, artificial sweetners are deadly. If you have to have soda, drink sugar soda. I prefer brands that say pure cane sugar only on the label.

coffee is better for you. soda has so many empty calories, and it causes kidney problems. plus coffee has been studied and has been shown to decrease the likelihood of heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. just be care full how much you drink, it IS a laxative.


Coffee by far. That is if you are only drinking coffee.

Compared to soft drinks, plain black coffee is much better because of the lack of sugar. However, if you are a Latte consumer, then all bets are off. Other than some nutritional value from the milk, there is at least as much sugar in a latte as there is in a soft drink. Add to that the fat from many of the "coffee house" lattes (many use trans fat in their mixes) and you might as well drink a soft drink for your caffeine kick.

It matters on the month. You can literally find one study a month that says coffee is good for you then the very next month one that says it is bad for you and it just keeps cycling. I think it is the odd months coffee is good for you while the even ones it is bad for you. All in all I don't know any study that says soda is good for you so I will say coffee just because 1/2 the year it is okay.

Coffee. Pop has a lot more sugar in it than coffee, unless you take it triple triple! Coffee is also less processed than pop.

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