How do i order starbucks (dont laugh)?!

Question: ive never been to starbucks so i dont k now how to order

a frapuccino

Answers: ive never been to starbucks so i dont k now how to order

a frapuccino

Okay, the sizes are normal, you can just say small, medium, or large and they would be able to understand you. In Starbucks language, small is tall, medium is grande, and large is venti. You can get a very small size, which is short, but this is only for hot drinks. Then just choose the coffee or creme blend, or any other drinks, from hot to cold that you want. You can even order water or bottled water, milk, carton or just in a Starbucks cup. Now they also have a breakfast menu of sanwiches and there is also tea, salads, sandwiches, cookies, mugs, gift cards, and take home coffee beans. If you just need extra help on this, just ask the cashier and say this is your first time coming to Starbucks and that ifthey have any suggestions. They won't laugh at you and don't feel embarrassed at all either^^

Tall is small, grande is medium & venti is large

Try vanilla or caramel.....mmmmmm

If you like a sweet drink, order a carmel macchiato. If you like a strong taste of coffee go for a shot of espresso.


Caramel Frapuccino is the most popular

dont stress about it! Its pretty simple ordering just decide what flavor of frappuccino u want and wut size (grande-medium) is probably the best size...when its ur turn to order they'll ask u wut u want and ur name then ull pay and that's it! After that just wait until they call ur name, that means ur drink is ready!

we're not laughing---everybody was a starbucks virgin at one time:)

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